Flashback Friday

I’m not flashing back too far today – only a few hours.  It’s been a busy week for me.  I found out early on Sunday morning that I was a finalist in Bucket List Publications contest to win a San Diego Skydiving Adventure.  I am still soliciting votes so if you have a moment, please click here and vote for me in as many ways as you can!

Today, Rory went in for his 3 year check up.  He doesn’t turn the Big 3 until tomorrow, but I was kind of glad to get his appointment out of the way.  The nurse put him on the scale with all of his clothes on, but no shoes.  It was an electric scale and it seemed to get his weight a little too quickly.  It said he weighed 35.8lbs.  I told the nurse that I didn’t think that was correct because Rory is barely able to fit into 2T clothes, but she assured me that it was fine since he had his clothes on.  Luckily, the doctor took one look at Rory and then the weight and suggested we weigh him again without his clothes.  Apparently, Rory’s clothes weigh 6lbs because he has yet to reach the 30lb mark.  He’s a whopping 29.5lbs, but it’s proportional with his height which was 35.5 inches.  Rory got a clean bill of health and we were on our way.

He didn't keep the gown on long. He said it hurt him.

On Tuesday morning I woke up with hives.  I have been a scratching fool since then as nothing seems to be alleviating my discomfort.  I finally went in to Urgent Care this afternoon, not because I had reached my breaking point, but because I’m pretty sure that point is going to be reached sometime this weekend and Urgent Care is always busier on the weekend.  After an hour and half in the waiting room listening to a man with the birth date of 10/02/18 repeatedly tell the receptionist that he “can’t hear worth a damn” I got my diagnosis and treatment plan.  Take some Allegra and try to avoid things that you are allergic to.  Well, I was just being silly – rolling around in allergens like I do.  Here is the flashback to about an hour ago.

I have no shame when it comes to showing people gross things.

I did get some steroid cream so I’m hoping that stuff works and all my blotchiness clears up soon!